In the past when I joined worship, I felt that I needed to be careful in how I pray to God and that I need to pray without any mistakes for God is so great. This mindset hindered me from voicing out
Our group consists of Singaporeans, Malaysians & Hong Kongers. We are English, Mandarin and Cantonese speakers.
Walk on the same path. Share the same passion. Build a happy family.
How We Experience God
In the past when I joined worship, I felt that I needed to be careful in how I pray to God and that I need to pray without any mistakes for God is so great. This mindset hindered me from voicing out
In the past I had no idea about God and lived for myself. Although I had a good job and a few friends, deep in my heart I felt lonely, inferior and depressed. I even thought of ending my life. Meeting the
大家好! 我来自马来西亚,目前定居在新加坡。很开心跟大家分享我的见证。当然 ,我也感恩能够透过这次的分享