Being in God’s family, and pursuing with brothers and sisters of all ages have caused me to experience love and fun. Even a game as simple as Jenga has brought us so much laughter and joy! God’s family is indeed full of
I knew God from a young age as my parents are Christians. However, while growing up, I had bad attitudes – I hated the world, my friends, my family and also God. This is because I had a lot of struggles in
In one meeting, I was touched by the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). The sinful woman was shamed in public and the Pharisees wanted to stone her to death. Jesus, however, stood up for her and said to
One of the times where I received love from brothers and sisters was during my O-Level. A few days before O-Level started, a sister came to my house to pass me a card with well wishes from brothers and sisters. I was
I started attending secondary school this year and all students are required to join a co-curricular activity (i.e. CCA). I went for the trial for Shooting and I found it fun. Therefore, I really wanted to get into this CCA and I
I enjoyed listening to one of the Sunday messages about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. The message made me realise that there is no other love like Jesus’; no one else will be with me in times both good and bad, through
In the past when I joined worship, I felt that I needed to be careful in how I pray to God and that I need to pray without any mistakes for God is so great. This mindset hindered me from voicing out
Before I became a Christian, I experienced God answering my prayers. In 1990 during my 3 months’ vacation in the UK with a Christian friend, I stayed with a group of Christians and from them I knew that I can pray or
In the past I had no idea about God and lived for myself. Although I had a good job and a few friends, deep in my heart I felt lonely, inferior and depressed. I even thought of ending my life. Meeting the