Household of God in Singapore


As a working mother, most of my time is devoted to my family and work and I seldom have time for myself. As a result, I often feel stressed and troubled. However, I treasure that I am a Christian and I can find relief in God. I try my best to attend a short 30 minute worship team every evening after work. As I listen to the hymns and prayers of brothers and sisters, I am reminded of the truths and my heart feels touched, strengthened, and peaceful. Through the worship, God calms my heart and I can lay aside all my stress and worries.

All these attract me to join the worship teams more frequently and I find that the content has really benefited me again and again and caused me to turn to God more for a peaceful heart and mind. I hope that more brothers and sisters can attend the daily worship teams and taste God’s sweet love amidst our busy schedules.

As the Bible verse below mentions, God calls us to go to Him and He will give us perfect rest when we do so.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28)