After graduating from college, I secured a stable and well paying job at an international bank. However, two days before starting, I got into a motorcycle accident. I landed face-first on the ground and rolled several times. A friend told me that blood was spurting from my eyebrows. When I saw myself in the mirror, a chunk of flesh was missing from my upper lip. I felt as if I had been disfigured and seriously considered going to South Korea for plastic surgery. I was covered in bruises from head to toe, and even my teeth were broken. My dad cried when he saw me, and I asked my mom to keep a close eye on me, fearing that my temperament might change because of the incident.
That night, I questioned why this had happened and complained to God for not protecting me. Soon, He assured me that since He allowed this to happen, He would help me through it, and I needed to trust and rely on Him. I felt hope and I knew He would surely help me. I said, “Lord, I trust in You!”. The Lord helped me to recover fast and the bank was willing to wait for me to recover to join the training. I might not have gotten the job if the bank did not wait for me as I needed to pass all the training before working officially in the bank and had to work another six months to pass the probation. Now, you probably will not notice the scars unless I point them out to you! The Lord blessed me with a job at the hospital, and two years ago, I even found a wonderful wife!